Limited contracting made simple.
Running your own ltd company has always been the most popular choice for contractors to run their payroll, and for good reason. Taking advantage of standard accountancy practices enables you to reduce tax liability and gives you complete flexibility as to how and when you receive your income. With ongoing issues surrounding IR35, this is now becoming more of an issue – until now.
We've got you covered
Payeworx’ unique IR35 Protected Ltd Company service allows you to retain the tax efficient benefits of having funds issued to your ltd company but gives you complete assurance of IR35 security.
We work closely with the contractor, the recruiter and end hirer to ensure IR35 compliance, giving everyone in the supply chain the IR35 peace of mind that is needed, regardless of who is responsible for the determination.
Payeworx can either assist you in setting up a new ltd company or handle the transition of taking on the management of your existing ltd company. If you’re wanting to use an existing ltd company, the set-up process takes only a day or 2
Payeworx is unique in the market and the first solution to allow you to continue to operate your limited company.
Our on-boarding process is simple, fast and secure enabling you to get setup and paid within 2 days from joining.
As your employer, Payeworx will make all of the necessary deductions and complete full RTI reporting to HMRC every pay cycle.
Helping out your fellow workers to find a solution to IR35 is incredibly simple. Simply, put their details into the form and look like a hero.
Our team is committed to your satisfaction. This can only be achieved by ensuring you are completely satisfied with our service and enjoy delay free pay.
Every client is unique as are their circumstances. That's why we dont simply roll out the same examples and packages to all. We talk, calculate, and inform you of every detail.
“Customer support was amazing. Their help was quick and gave me a true understanding of what's happening”
Compliance Officer
“A refreshing solution to an industry wide issue. Very knowledgable.”
Contracor Agency
“Nice to deal with. Simple solution. Soooo happy I've found something for IR35”
Snr. Dev team leader
Our Mission:
To assist contractors and freelancers across the UK with the sole aim of bringing back their financial freedom
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